Monday, January 17, 2011



In this article it talks about the wait time for a surgery in Canada and how they have because very long. Fraser Institutes was doing its annual survey and came to the conclusion that the first time in 4 years waiting list are getting longer. Though the population is growing and aging and more surgeons have been added the taxpayer’s health care system is struggling to keep up. Two different surveys show that B.C is doing okay but that still isn’t good enough. Mark Rovere says that the politicians stick to the awful system instead they should help the patient in the wait list suffering mentally and physically. One of the reasons that the system is crashing is because of the tax cuts.


        This article talks about wait times and that is a difficult topic. I can relate to this article because I have researched this topic and have seen how rough the wait times are. Surgery wait times can take up to 1 to 3 days and some times even more. The tax money is low and yet we can not increase it. Equalization payments should be provided but in this case it doesn’t seem like the tax payers are getting their moneys worth. They have to wait in long line ups for a surgery, even when they pay there taxes. The government should provide equalization to the tax payers.


        I have been in a wait list and it is horrible. You are in pain and yet you can not do anything. I have also researched this topic and seen both sides of the story. We can not increase taxes, even though we are low and we don’t want to wait in a wait list for a surgery we need. That is why the government should make the two tired method which will allow the patients who can afford to get there surgery to pay for it and get. We would be getting more money and shorting the wait list. The other patients would still get there surgery. Also the government would be giving equalization payments.

1 comment:

  1. Public healthcare and private health care have long been a popular topic of discussion. Although I agree with you that being on a waiting list and being completely helpless as the list is long and gruesome, I do not agree with having two methods of health care. I believe that as a country with such strong roots and foundations based on equality, one's economical standing should never be the deciding factor on one's life and well being. That being said, a possible method that I see that could potentially fix some major issues embedded within our current healthcare system is the screening of urgency. By placing those in dire need ahead of those who can wait a bit longer, I believe that many more lives will be saved and the overall system will be greatly improved.

    -Peter Nguyen
