Sunday, May 15, 2011



I found this article on the Vancouver Sun, the main idea for this article is there will be no increase in the interest rate. The bank of Canada will keep its interest rate of one percent and are unsure when the interest rate might go up. The central bank posted its outlook for 2011 GDP growth by a half-percentage and noticed the economic slack shrank faster than anticipated but  increased concern over the high Canadian dollar and the impact it might have on net exports, one of two biggest caused that have economic growth. Canada's overall inflation is set to rise to three per cent in the coming months.
The connection from this article to this chapter is the banking system of Canada. The Interest rate is a big part of the Canadian Banking system. The Canadian Interest Rate will determine the economic growth of the country. It shows us if we will be heading into recession or not. It also affects the import and export of the country. The price of food, gas and oil is rising so if we rasie the interest rate we will go into recession.
This article is telling us that the bank of Canada will not raise the interest rate. In my opinion that is a step in the right direction with the price of food and oil rising we are heading for another recession they need lower the interest rate. They price of food is getting so bad that the shelters and food banks are running out of food because no one can afford to donate. They price of oil is almost at a $1.50, economist are saying it will still go up. People will have to change there choice of transportation because they will not be able to drive anywhere

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Smart (Phone) Money

Smart (Phone) Money
1.       (1 point) How long do you think it’s going to take to get to all virtual cards? How many years?
I believe that one day virtual cards will take over the world. I am not sure how long this will take but if I had to take a guess it would be about 10 to 15 years.
2.       (1 point) why?
I believe that virtual cards will take over in 10 to 15 years because technology will have been very advanced. You will not need to go to your office and have meetings, you now just need an I phone or I pad and you can communicate with you employees. Apple has grown a lot and has come up with many new and different types of technology and I believe this is just the beginning and the will create bigger and better technology. Also in this generation we are more accepting and we will accept virtual cards. Another big reason is social media; social media has changed our lives. People spend most of their time on the computer so why not just go virtual cards. One of the biggest reason people will go virtual is its cheaper. You don’t have to go to the bank and more you won’t have to meet will you can just Skype them. Your information is on the commuter you just search up you name and you can find your entire information one the computer or on your smart phone.
3.       (2 point) who will not be on board with this new virtual wallet?
I think that the older generation will not be on board with the virtual cards. They older generation has accepted many thing like credit  cards and online banking but virtual cars will be a whole new level of acceptance. They will feel like they have no privacy, and would not agree with the virtual wallet.
4.       (3 points) what companies are going to be affected negatively by this? Name 3 industries not companies.
Three companies that will be affected negativity are small business because most small business is run on cash only so they would not be able to compete. Banks would be also greatly affected by the virtual wallet because no one would have or carry money and therefore less people will go into banks. Charities would be also greatly negatively affected because people give spare change or cash donations to charities and with the virtual wallet they can not do that, the homeless people would also suffer because they live off the spare change people give them.
5.       (3 points) who is going to make money from this? Name 3 industries not companies.
Three companies that will benefit from the virtual wallet are the social networks, for example Facebook allowed application owners to pay by a “token” system. Users will soon be able to maintain a credit account, which can be used in thousands of applications, without having to pay separately or load the money through a separate site. This announcement came less than a week after Facebook announced that it now supports payments through PayPal, in addition to credit cards and cellular payments. Also believe that cell phone companies will make money from this because every company will be making a smart phone and more people will be buying smart phones. Retail stores that accept this method of payment would benefit because more people will have more money to spend and will not have any limits. Unlike cash were people can run out, but with card you can use credit therefore the consumer can get more debt.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Great Depression versus the Current Recession

Great Depression versus the Current Recession
1.       How did the Great Depression start?
The great depression originated in the united states in 1929, the stock market crashing was a big part of the depression, because in the 1920’s people had a lot of money from working in the war so they invested in the stock market when the stock market crashed they lost all their money, so people started to get scared and tried to sell their stocks, but  no one was buying, also the banks had invested their clients savings and when market crashed , they had to close and when more and more banks closed people started to panic.
2.       How did the Current Recession start?
The current recession started in 2008 in the United States due to the fact that banks started to lend sub-prime mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them which forced them into bankruptcy. Soon after the bank would take their property into foreclosure, this caused a collapse in the housing market, this made big companies and the government bailout banks. Also this incident had scared everyone and they have started to withdraw their money from the banks and sell their assets.    
3.       How did the government take part following the event?  Where are they successful attempts?
The governments were trying to help the world get out of recession but all their plans seemed to fail. US had a new president; Roosevelt closed all the banks and only let them reopen once they were stabilized. Roosevelt started to establish programs that became known as the New Deal. The new deal was to help the farmers and agriculture, but also to help unemployment. It’s uncertain if the new deal actually helped us get out of recession but to the citizens of the US Roosevelt was a hero.   In the current recession government has made stimulant projects the like Canadian economic action plan. Canada is trying to create more jobs for its citizens, in my opinion I think the government is doing a better job in this recession than the great depression because a lot more people were homeless and people have even started looting for money and food stealing for food, but in this recession though people don’t have a lot of money they are still some how making it and are still getting food and shelter.
4.       What factors are present now that were not present during the Great Depression?  Ex banking, online resources, etc.
They are a lot of new technologies now than the time period of the great depression. We have online banking which can be a great thing or a very bad thing because all of our information is on the computers and if the commuter are down or is the memory is lost all of or information will be two, in the other had computers make our lives easier and if we need to find out something its easier to search up in the computer. Also a new thing that was not discovered in the 1900 was credit cards. Credit cards are a big part of our lives now pretty much everything we buy is on a credit card, this is becoming a problem for the people who can not pay off the debt and need to go into bankruptcy. 
5.       How did these two affect United States’ GDP?
Each recession affected the United States gross domestic product, in the great depression the untied states were giving loans to other countries especially Germany, in the 1920 the untied states were at the top with 1 billion dollars in their gross domestic products. But when there soldiers came back from the war and there stock market crashing they lost a lot of gross domestic product. Though they lost a lot of GDP they were still one of the countries with the highest GDP. In the current recession the GDP of the United States have gone down but not as much as when the great depression. the united states and the world has learned from the great depression so if another depression happens it will not hurt a country as bad and the countries GDP will still be good.
6.       Reflection: In your own words, tell me which one has made more of an impact on the word.
In my opinion I think that the great depression made more of an impact on the world because, none had ever experienced a recession this bad and the government and the people didn’t know what to do to make this situation better. The great depression turned into a learning experience on how to handle such a big issue. With technology this recession was not as bad the government had taken control and tried to stimulate the economy, like the Canadian action plan. In the great depression you herd stories like people had to fight for food and people going from one city to another just to find work or food. So I believe that the great depression had a bigger impact on the world.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One BC's most successful exports is a business model



This article talks about the Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, which is a company that auctions big heavy machinery. Before becoming Auctioneers they were a furniture store. They started this company here is British Columbia which was very successful. Last year they opened a half-dozen auction houses in places ranging from Japan and Germany to St. Louis and Chilliwack unfazed by the global economic recession. That adds to existing sites in Dubai, Australia, India, Spain, Mexico and France. Net earnings for 2010 were $65.9 million down from $93.5 million in 2009 due to global economic recession. They are British Columbia’s biggest export companies
            In this article it talks about Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and how they are one of the biggest auctioneers in British Columbia. How I connection this article and chapter 6 together is by aggregate demand. Both the article and chapter has aggregate demand. This company is one of the biggest export companies and export is a big part of aggregate demand which is the total demand for final goods and services in the economy at a given time and price level. Our goods are selling which will help pay for public services that the government pays for.
              Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers have done a very good job with their business and making it such a big company. They are helping Canada as one of the biggest exports British Columbia has. Though their products are elastic it is still a very strong company. They have a lot of competition but yet their company still seems to come at the top. Heavy duty machinery is sold everywhere but Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers have business confidence and always try to get new products. So I believe that Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers a very good company and they are going to expand even more which will give us and even more export.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

U.S economic growth slower than thought!


            This article is about economic growth in the U.S, which has not met the expectations. The recession has hit the U.S very hard and now is recovering from it. Economists have been predicting a better growth for the U.S economy but the stats have shown us that the economic growth is not meeting the expectation. Gross domestic product growth was down to an annual rate of 2.8%.The report show that Federal Reserve’s are concerned that the pace of growth remained too slow to significantly lower a 9.0% unemployment rate. Also consumer spending which is more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity has grown 4.1% in the final three months of 2010 instead of 4.4%. It was still the fastest since the first three months of 2006. But there are concerns that surging crude oil prices could hurt consumer spending and slow the economy’s recovery.

        The economic growth of U.S has been improving a little bit but the recession had a huge effect. This topic is a very big deal because the U.S is a has a very big and strong economy with helps other countries like Canada and Mexico. With the economic growth not meeting expectations, it also will affect other countries. Though this article does not personally affect me it still affects my country and my countries economy. As a consumer I have been buying less due to the recession and so have many other people. With the increase in crude oil more people will cut their spending.   

        The economy of the U.S must be strong, because it is the world’s most powerful economy. Though Canada’s economy is not suffering as bad at the U.S we still had our ups and downs. The stats showed us that U.S still needs sometime to grow and become the economy before the recession. Though it is going to be hard because crude oil products are increasing and consumer spending is decreasing. The unemployment rates cannot go down either because the stats are not meeting expectations and more jobs are not becoming available. Therefore the rates are going to drop and not meet the economist predictions.

Monday, January 17, 2011



In this article it talks about the wait time for a surgery in Canada and how they have because very long. Fraser Institutes was doing its annual survey and came to the conclusion that the first time in 4 years waiting list are getting longer. Though the population is growing and aging and more surgeons have been added the taxpayer’s health care system is struggling to keep up. Two different surveys show that B.C is doing okay but that still isn’t good enough. Mark Rovere says that the politicians stick to the awful system instead they should help the patient in the wait list suffering mentally and physically. One of the reasons that the system is crashing is because of the tax cuts.


        This article talks about wait times and that is a difficult topic. I can relate to this article because I have researched this topic and have seen how rough the wait times are. Surgery wait times can take up to 1 to 3 days and some times even more. The tax money is low and yet we can not increase it. Equalization payments should be provided but in this case it doesn’t seem like the tax payers are getting their moneys worth. They have to wait in long line ups for a surgery, even when they pay there taxes. The government should provide equalization to the tax payers.


        I have been in a wait list and it is horrible. You are in pain and yet you can not do anything. I have also researched this topic and seen both sides of the story. We can not increase taxes, even though we are low and we don’t want to wait in a wait list for a surgery we need. That is why the government should make the two tired method which will allow the patients who can afford to get there surgery to pay for it and get. We would be getting more money and shorting the wait list. The other patients would still get there surgery. Also the government would be giving equalization payments.

Thursday, November 4, 2010



                        This article talks about apps for iPhone and other electronic devices. Since the iPhone or itouch has been made millions of apps have also been made. Apps have taken over our lives. Since people use a lot of apps the University of Regina has started to offer a course that teaches students how to write applications for smart technology. In the article is said "There's tens of thousands of apps being created and some of the people who make them are making millions of dollars from one simple idea". There are millions of apps in the world and they only cost a couple of dollars to get them.

                             This article is related to supply and demand. Everyone wants to get apps for there iPhone or other electronic devices. There is a high demand for applications so people with ideas have started to make applications to profit from it. iPhones are very popular at this moment and you need applications to make the iPhone more interesting and fun. most i phones have about 10-15 applications, some may even contain more. Now there are classes to teach you how to make an application. anyone can make and application which will add to the supply product and cut down on the demand.

          I have and I touch and have many applications on it. When I search though the applications some of the applications seem to be useless. For example I found an app that guess your age. it gives you a lot of numbers and you tell you pick yes or no then it tells you how old you are, also one app tell you how many days you have been on earth, you just punch in you birth date and it give you the amount of days you been on earth. Personally I don't think we need that many applications. Now that there is a school that teaches you how to make an application there will be more useless application.