Thursday, November 4, 2010



                        This article talks about apps for iPhone and other electronic devices. Since the iPhone or itouch has been made millions of apps have also been made. Apps have taken over our lives. Since people use a lot of apps the University of Regina has started to offer a course that teaches students how to write applications for smart technology. In the article is said "There's tens of thousands of apps being created and some of the people who make them are making millions of dollars from one simple idea". There are millions of apps in the world and they only cost a couple of dollars to get them.

                             This article is related to supply and demand. Everyone wants to get apps for there iPhone or other electronic devices. There is a high demand for applications so people with ideas have started to make applications to profit from it. iPhones are very popular at this moment and you need applications to make the iPhone more interesting and fun. most i phones have about 10-15 applications, some may even contain more. Now there are classes to teach you how to make an application. anyone can make and application which will add to the supply product and cut down on the demand.

          I have and I touch and have many applications on it. When I search though the applications some of the applications seem to be useless. For example I found an app that guess your age. it gives you a lot of numbers and you tell you pick yes or no then it tells you how old you are, also one app tell you how many days you have been on earth, you just punch in you birth date and it give you the amount of days you been on earth. Personally I don't think we need that many applications. Now that there is a school that teaches you how to make an application there will be more useless application.

Monday, September 20, 2010




           This article was published by the Vancouver Sun, the topic for this article is the Lawyers For Tamils Migrants Are Running Out Of Funds In early September a ship full of Tamil migrants reached Vancouver shorelines. There were about 490 migrants on this ship.These migrants have been staying in correctional facilities. The government have has sent aside 1.5 million for immigration cases this year, but they got 490 more immigrants than expected. The lawyers have to represent the federal courts as well as the Tamil migrants. The society is in discussions with the federal Department of Justice for additional funding.
Another option is to appeal to the Federal Court to issue an order that additional public funds are given.The government is also blocking some of the released migrants.


              The main idea of this article is related to scarcity. scarcity is a limited resource, the money the government has sent aside for immigration was 1.5 million and in this past month had 490 migrants. The money is becoming scarce. the 1.5 million covers about 700-800 new migrants. The money is spent on the lawyers, court cases, and food and shelter for the migrants. 75 migrants had also arrived in Vancouver last year and had but the immigration budget in trouble. The government is predicting that is a year or two another Tamil ship will arrive at Vancouver putting again the immigration budget is trouble.


          I already knew about the Tamil ship that had arrived in Vancouver, but I did not know about the financial problems. The Tamil migrants have made the money for immigration scarce. This problem is kind of predicable, because 490 people are going to have a lot of cost, for example, their health, food, and shelter.I think the Tamil's should get every chance to succeed. My ancestors are not from Canada they are from India. They boarded a ship for Canada but back then the Canadians didn't let them in so they were sent back to India. Even though the money is scare i think it will be a good investment, because the migrants will work and pay taxes which will even out the cost we are spending now.